Cost Guide

Wooden Floor Sanding Costs

How much to sand and renovate a wooden floor?

Sanding a wooden floor, whether an existing wood floor that’s just become worn, or freshly exposed floorboards, can be a very cost effective and modern alternative to carpets.

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User submitted prices

Job typeDescriptionPriceUnitsRegionUpdated
Sanding & restoration

6.6 x 7m pine floor fully sanded and coated in a clear commercial grade lacquer.
Quote covers all materials and no vat added either.
Job took 3 days, first day to rough sand and spray mist water on to help with the finish, 2nd to smooth sand, primer and top coat then the final day to buff/light sand then apply two more top coats of lacquer.


Total priceEast of England2023
1 – Price submit form – Home & Garden

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