Cost Guide

Electric Shower Replacement Cost

How much to replace an electric shower?

Replacing an electric shower may involve both an electrician and plumber to ensure the shower has been installed correctly and safely. Generally you’d contact a plumber to install the shower who will then, if required, sub-contract the final electrical connection to a qualified electrician, in some cases the plumbing company will also employ an electrician in house.

Straight swap cost

If your shower has failed and requires replacing it’s always best to try and use the exact same make and model as the original, this way it’ll be a simple swap out for the plumber requiring no additional plumbing or electrics which of course will be the more cost effective. In this instance it may only take a couple of hours plus you won’t need an electrician to disconnect the electrics as it’s a straight swap. You can expect to pay in the region of £100-£150 + VAT for this type of work.

New shower cost

If however a straight swap is not possible or you wish to upgrade or change your shower to a newer more powerful model you’ll need both a plumber and an electrician, an electrician is required if any changes are needed to the existing electrical supply, which in this case is likely, especially if the KW rating of the shower is higher than the original. The plumbing supply may also need to be upgraded or re-routed. In this scenario you can expect to pay between from £150-£800 + VAT.

Both prices provided above do not include the cost of the shower itself.

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User submitted prices

Below you can find prices submitted by WhatPrice users for electric shower replacements that have been carried out or quoted for.

Job typeDescriptionPriceUnitsRegionUpdated
Electric shower replacement

Replace electric shower. Straightforward.


Labour onlySouth West2024
Electric shower replacement

Supplied and fitted new electric shower (8.5kw) after call out to see if current shower (leaking then stopped working)could be repaired. Removed old shower (water had leaked into controls, shorted circuits and was dangerous!). (Also popped a washer in a leaky tap for me!)


Total priceWest Midlands2024
Electric shower replacement

Replace old 8.5 kw shower for new 8.5 kw shower.


Total priceNorth West2023
Electric shower replacement

Installed new 2way RCD consumer unit and 10mm2 supply cable to isolator in bathroom, mounted shower and connected.


Total priceEast Midlands2023
Electric shower replacement

Fit 10.8kw mira shower, run 10mm cable 20m with RCD protection. Run 15m copper pipe from main pipe to shower. Supply pipework and mira shower and rcd box and 50amp pull switch.


Total priceScotland2023
Electric shower replacement

Had a 10mm shower cable 20 metres long installed with pull cord + 50amp RCBO


Total priceNorth West2023
Electric shower replacement

Install RCD sub board for new shower circuit. Connect shower. Main Earth bond. 6mm cable. 2x 40 Amp mcb, test & Minor Works cert.


Total priceSouth West2023
Electric shower replacement

New shower put in


Total priceLondon2023
Electric shower replacement

Change electric shower unit using existing cable and pipes if suitable, issue electrical safety certificate, customer to supply shower unit.


Labour onlyNorth West2023
Electric shower replacement

New wiring and RCD consumer unit/fuseboard for electric shower.


Total priceSouth East2023
Electric shower replacement

Shower changed over for new one, labour only.


Labour onlySouth East2023
Electric shower replacement

change electric shower unit like for like shower, shower supplied by us, fitting only.


Total priceSouth East2023
Electric shower replacement

We received this estimate form our electrician. Install new electric shower with pull cord switch. Includes cable installation, connection at consumer unit and installing pull cord switch (shower and plumbing not included). Any remedial work, new earth bonding or additions of RCD protection will be extra.


Total priceWest Midlands2023
Electric shower replacement

Remove old shower, rewire with 10mm cable fit new shower and make good tiles. I supplied shower and tiles, cabling and fitting supplied by fitter


Total priceNorth East2023
Electric shower replacement

Rewire from consumer unit to shower, remove old consumer unit, remove old shower, fit new shower.


Total priceSouth West2023
Electric shower replacement

Providing a power supply to the electrical shower. This includes 8m cable, double pole isolator, connection to shower, RCBO to existing fuseboard


Total priceLondon2023
Electric shower replacement

To install a new circuit for shower from consumer unit.


Total priceLondon2023
Electric shower replacement

Disconnect and remove electric shower replace with Triton 8.5 kw


Total priceScotland2023
Electric shower replacement

New electric shower (shower and plumbing not included) only cable run, connection at consumer unit and installing pull cord and connection to shower.


Total priceCymru Wales2023
1 – Price submit form – Home & Garden

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To make this site possible we rely on pricing information provided by users. If you’ve recently paid or been quoted for a job please tell us how much this was.
Typical level of kitchens, tiling, sanitary ware, switches and other fittings included in the price

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