Cost Guide

Toilet Repair Cost

How much does it cost to repair a toilet?

Not having a working toilet, is well, irritating to say the least. They flush mechanism can break with use. In which case buckets or bowl full of water can flush most effluent down them until the unit gets repaired. If the bowl itself is cracked it’s best not to use as it’s potentially dangerous. This price includes the costs of any materials and labour charges during the course of fixing the toilet.

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User submitted prices

Job typeDescriptionPriceUnitsRegionUpdated

Toilet repair

Fill valve replacement


Total priceLondon2025

Toilet repair

Toilet’s fill and flush valve and close couple kit replaced. Plumber plus 1 apprentice.


Total priceNorth West2024

Toilet repair

New flush and float level valve


Total priceEast of England2024

Toilet repair

Flush pipe, Flush come and washer


Total priceLondon2024

Toilet repair

Leaking water inlet in old toilet. Supply and fitting of plastic inlet valve and flexible piping to connect to old plumbing including temporary fix until valve could be sourced.


Total priceNorthern Ireland2024

Toilet repair

Emergency callout for blocked toilet.
Manually unblocked wth long handled plunger.
Manhole checked to ensure water flushing through unhindered.
Job took less than 15mins in total.
Quick efficient response but still eye watering prices.


Total priceSouth East2024

Toilet repair

Supply and fit of new fill valve in toilet.
Partial unblocking of toilet wth plunger.


Total priceSouth East2024

Toilet repair

Had two toilets flush replaced, as both were old and not flushing, fitted and supply took two hours , thought bit pricey, but arrived pronto and got job done


Total priceSouth East2024

Toilet repair

Cistern wouldnt stop filling so couldn’t flush – made bottle grinding noise all through the house . Replaced all items in cistern . Had to take off bath panels etc to get access . Took maybe 40 mins + as up and down stairs (top flat)


Total priceSouth West2024

Toilet repair

toilet not flushing properly. was told by plumber it was a damaged diaphragm.Took an hour to resolve.


Total priceNorth West2024

Toilet repair

Supply and fit siphon


Total priceSouth East2024

Toilet repair

Removal of blockage from toilet pipe


Total priceSouth East2024

Toilet repair

Replaced toilet filler as old one was not turning off and over filling. Replaced with new silent fill type


Total priceNorth East2024

Toilet repair

Changed toilet flush (syphon + float valve). The cistern of our toilet is not standard and required a specific syphon.


Total priceLondon2024

Toilet repair

converted our old toilet to a dual-flush lever and replaced the fill valve


Total priceSouth East2024

Toilet repair

Leaking toilet inlet elbow joint. Plastic elbow replaced.


Total priceSouth East2024

Toilet repair

Replaced worn out plastic valve (in the cistern of a relatively new toilet, i.e. two years old) with a brass one to stop leakage behind WC that appeared to be coming from the copper joint.


Total priceEast of England2024

Toilet repair

Replaced Toilet Inlet valve and siphon unit with new parts. Valve was leaking and spraying water everywhere, siphon was intermittent. No call out fee, quick turn out.


Total priceWest Midlands2024

Toilet repair

supplied and replaced toilet scrapped old one


Total priceCymru Wales2024

Toilet repair

Toilet not flushing properly. Replaced Syphon and also toilet handle.


Total priceSouth East2024

Toilet repair

Toilet inlet not shutting off, inlet replaced and isolating valve fitted for future.


Total priceNorth East2024

Toilet repair

Toilet not flushing correctly,supplied and fitted new syphon


Total priceEast Midlands2024

Toilet repair

to supply and fit siphon + new pan connector


Total priceSouth East2024

Toilet repair



Total priceWest Midlands2024

Toilet repair

tighten a loose toilet handle


Total priceSouth East2024

Toilet repair

Toilet not flushing, siphon plastics disintegrated , replaced with new center piece from old toilet, total 25 mins labour no parts cost, across the road from my home, so they had a bargain


Total priceCymru Wales2024

Toilet repair

Supply and fit torbeck valve to toilet cistern as old one was damaged.Quick and prompt tidy service.


Total priceNorth East2024

Toilet repair

Toilet was blocked. All he did was plunger the toilet then pour water down, took less than 5 mins.


Total priceScotland2024

Toilet repair

Toilet wasn’t flushing properly. Toilet needed a new siphon. Plumber arrived one hour after I called and took one hour to do the job so I guess I paid a premium for a fast service. Feel like I was slightly overcharged though!


Total priceNorth East2024

Toilet repair

Blocked toilet/drain: plumber called to locate source of blockage, and remedy. Total time on premises: approx. 1 hour.


Total priceEast of England2024
1 – Price submit form – Home & Garden

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