Cost Guide

Toilet Repair Cost

How much does it cost to repair a toilet?

Not having a working toilet, is well, irritating to say the least. They flush mechanism can break with use. In which case buckets or bowl full of water can flush most effluent down them until the unit gets repaired. If the bowl itself is cracked it’s best not to use as it’s potentially dangerous. This price includes the costs of any materials and labour charges during the course of fixing the toilet.

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User submitted prices

Job typeDescriptionPriceUnitsRegionUpdated

Toilet repair

Two of the toilets in the property were not shutting off after flushing and overfilling! Had to replace diaphragms and the arms attached to the float valve. Total cost inc labour and parts approx 1hr work due to location


Total priceSouth East2024

Toilet repair

Replace siphon inside cistern as toilet would not flush.


Total priceWest Midlands2024

Toilet repair

I thought the internal unit in the toilet cistern was broken as I couldn’t reach the plunger bit to repair the wire from the handle, called plumber, it wasn’t broken. He replaced the broken wire.


Total priceSouth West2024
1 – Price submit form – Home & Garden

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Typical level of kitchens, tiling, sanitary ware, switches and other fittings included in the price

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